New website released as part of Australia’s first suicide and self-harm monitoring system to improve knowledge and responsiveness

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) together with the National Mental Health Commission (NMHC), today released a website which is part of Australia’s first suicide and self-harm monitoring system to support the national goal of working towards zero suicides.

Date published:

The National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring System is part of the national effort to address suicide and self-harm in Australia and fits within the broader prevention efforts happening nationally. It will be regularly updated and improved as data collection from all States and Territories aligns.

“This brings together the most comprehensive collation of data to date for suicide deaths and self-harm across eight States and Territories in a single, web-based, interactive and integrated platform. With more than 3,000 people dying from suicide every year in Australia, and over 65,000 suicide attempts, the National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring System will support governments, services, and communities to better respond to suicide and self-harm,” said Mathew James, Deputy CEO, AIHW.

Christine Morgan, CEO of the NMHC said, “Preventing suicide and suicidal behaviour is a key priority in Australia. Every life lost to suicide is one too many. We can all take action to prevent suicide with some understanding of who is at risk with simple steps. This new national system and the representation of the data, will help facilitate public conversations about suicide, self-harm, and suicide ideation, potentially saving lives.”

The website is only one part of the project. Data improvement and enhanced data sharing is also a key part of the system. The pandemic has highlighted the importance on timely data including the timely data on suspected deaths by suicide that are available from suicide registers. A key goal of the National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring System is to establish suicide registers in all jurisdictions. Registers currently exist in Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania, and Western Australia with plans to establish a register in New South Wales by October 2020. The AIHW is working with South Australia, the Australian Capital Territory, and the Northern Territory to help establish registers in these jurisdictions.
A key component of the monitoring system is the establishment of the National Ambulance Surveillance System (NASS).

The NASS is a partnership between Turning Point, Monash University, Eastern Health (Victoria) and jurisdictional ambulance services across Australia. It is the world-first public health monitoring system that will provide timely and comprehensive data on ambulance attendances for suicide attempts, suicidal ideation, self-injury, and mental health.

From April, the AIHW has been collating data each week on the use of mental health services and data on suspected suicides from existing suicide registers, to inform government.

The data released on this new site shows that while there has been a significant increase in the use of mental health services and an increase in psychological distress reported, particularly among young people, there is no evidence to date that COVID-19 has been associated with a rise in the rate of suspected deaths by suicide.

The National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring System was announced as part of the Australian Government’s Prioritising Mental Health Package in the 2019–20 Australian Government Budget (Department of Health 2019) and has been established to address suicide and self-harm in Australia.

The new monitoring system has been developed by the AIHW with the NMHC, the Commonwealth Department of Health and an Expert Advisory Group including representation from people with lived experience of suicidality, State and Territory government representatives, researchers and representatives from the suicide prevention sector including service providers.

National crisis support lines

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing crisis visit your nearest hospital emergency or use any of the crisis helplines below. 

If life is in immediate danger, please call 000

Lifeline | 13 11 14Online crisis support chat
Suicide Call Back Service  | 1300 659 467Online counselling or video chat service
Kids Helpline | 1800 55 1800Web chat service
MensLine Australia | 1300 78 99 78| Online counselling service
Beyond Blue | 1300 22 4636 | Online chat service
1800 RESPECT | 1800 737 732Online chat service
Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling | 1800 011 046 
ADF All-hours Support Line (ASL) | 1800 628 036
National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline | 1800 250 015

If you feel you can't call any of the above services, you can also:

Talk to someone you trust.

Contact your GP, a counsellor, psychologist or psychiatrist.

Head to Health — Funded by the Australian Federal Government, Head to Health is an online gateway to trusted mental health resources and content from Australia’s leading health organisations.

Help for those affected by suicide

The National Indigenous Postvention Service | 1800 805 801
Standby SupportState and territory support numbers

National Mental Health Commission media contact

  • Suicide prevention

Acknowledgement of Country

The Commission acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands throughout Australia.
We pay our respects to their clans, and to the elders, past and present, and acknowledge their continuing connection to land, sea and community.


The Commission is committed to embracing diversity and eliminating all forms of discrimination in the provision of health services. The Commission welcomes all people irrespective of ethnicity, lifestyle choice, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity.

Lived Experience

We acknowledge the individual and collective contributions of those with a lived and living experience of mental ill-health and suicide, and those who love, have loved and care for them. Each person’s journey is unique and a valued contribution to Australia’s commitment to mental health suicide prevention systems reform.